Friday, November 16, 2007

The new Star Trek movie

Usually I won't do rants like these, I find it kind of a waste of space (as if anyone wants to hear my opinion about something) but I'm gonna make an exception here.

Contains minor spoilers, read at your own risk.

Today I stumbled upon a short spoiler summary of what the new Star Trek movie is going to be about.
I had mixed feelings about this movie. On the one hand you have an amazing cast like Simon Pegg, etc. On the other hand Star Trek movies & prequels have a tendencies to be kinda bad or mediocre at best. (The exceptional few movies has been really good, but none in the past 10 years). But then you have JJ Abrams there, so that increases the odds of it being good (or so I thought).

I was hoping that they learned their lesson from Enterprise when it comes to prequels (especially the first few seasons). Then I read online that the plot of the new movie was going to contain... time travel. I was stunned, I had expected much better from the people behind this movie. The plot I understand it is going to be someone in the future coming back to change the past. Wow, that's never been done before... especially in star trek movies or attempted prequels (in my mind prequels don't include time travel, the only purpose being that you can include a bunch of stuff that still has to happen, which kinda defeats the point, aka Enterprise...).

I hope there's a twist or something to make it good. Time travel is a hard thing to pull off, very hard. You're more likely to screw it up.
No good plot line has ever come from someone going back in time to stop something, there has to be much more to it. The best ones deal with how you can't change the past. Or you use time travel as a gimick (the best example I can think off right now is the episode 'Blink' of Doctor Who, absolutely brilliant use of time travel).

I hope the spoiler I read was wrong, because I'm not even sure I want to see this movie. It's probably gonna be a predictable been done a hunderd times time travel story line, and then there's gonna be a few obscure references to things which only the die hard star trek fan will understand. The great line of actors will be caught in their rolls, no chance to add something new or unique because most of them (except the two or three main characters) won't appear for more than two minutes.

Sorry for the rant, won't do it again

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