Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Seventh Night commentary

Just a few notes about the post above this one.
This is a short story I wrote in under an hour about a character that I once had in a 7th roleplay. It was quite possibly one of my favourite characters and I felt a little sorry to retire him.
I have a new character in that campaign now, who will have to live up to the previous one. But I still wanted to make a sort of epilogue to the story of Fuentes (I actually also still need to write his background...). I'm not sure if I'll continue this story, depends kind of what I feel like writing.
I post the story here as I intended to use this blog as a kind of repository for short stories I write and some info about the campaigns I'm in. The other things are just fluff (though it seems to have grown in size).

I hope this story is the first in many.

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