Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rising Sun (pt 2)

Rising Sun Corp.
MEMO: 1789.2.29 (ARCHIVED)

As instructed I've kept a close eye on the crew currently occupying the Firefly-class formerly known as X-913.
One of my agents recently managed to board the ship under false pretenses and I now have a limited feed aboard the ship.

Since my last report the crew left Hera to head out to Greenleaf. They took on cargo and passengers both legally. From what I could tell, the first part of their journey was quiet. However a number of the passengers on board weren't who they say they were. But then who is nowadays? Because of a course miscalculation they had to stop at New Melbourne for additional fuel. It was in the second part of the journey that things became interesting. First they passed an Old Trans-U model, which I can only assume was a real Reaver ship, not one of ours. No incident occurred however. Later in the journey one of the passengers was murdered and the crew timely rounded up the suspects and made a quick investigation. They reached the conclusion that it was a suicide, I'm not inclined to agree with that fact but it's really of no concern. The reason their investigation came to an abrupt end was that they were intercepted by an Alliance ASREV, apparently the murdered passenger was carrying an emergency signal ring. The Allaince told them to stand down and prepare to be boarded. They let the ASREV dock but opened fire as he marshals boarded the ship. With use of grenades they made quick work of the Alliance officer and their ship. After this encounter they quickly returned on their journey to Greenleaf, abandoning the derelict ASREV in the hope that they wouldn't get caught by the Alliance.

Some interesting observations I've been able to make using the new feed.
The ship's pilot, Luz is continuing with his endeavor to check for listening devices of various sorts, he has yet to find ours but with his persistence I'm worried how long it will last. He also seems to have an innate distrust in people, even members of his own crew. We might be able to use this later.
The ship's captain, Nathaniel seems to handle well under pressure, making split decisions, taking quick control of a situation and coming up with complex plans in a moment's notice. He also seems to appose the Alliance and doesn't seem to have a problem with killing. His first priorities seem to be to his crew and not getting caught. I'm confident that he will also display these qualities on any missions we send him on and thus could be a valuable ally. We will of course at that time have to make it clear that it is in his best interest to help us.
The ship's engineer remains a mystery, my team still has not found any background about him. What worries me more now, is that he has shown himself to be more than capable in combat. I'm uncertain if he's a danger to our plans or his own intentions.
The ship's companion has taken permanent residence in one of the shuttles, using it to fly to one clients she might have. She has shown herself to be more than willing to help the crew, even on their more obscure jobs.

I'd also like to express concern that another corporation might be keeping an eye on the crew. I can't really say anything right now but I will let you know something when I know more.



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